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Clever and funny, the art and characters are appealing. Just ignore these salty folk yammering about politics, they're just too close-minded to get satire.

I cant get the apk to work

Really nice game, really looking forward for the next update =)

Game dead?


No, theyr working on it, they just have some delays, look ou theyr discord


Where is the club and library? I was exploring and I click everywhere and I can't find it

I don't think it's added to the game


I legit cant tell what's satire or not


Update plssss i wait 3 month


I really really like the art style of that's game and also the story but you shouldn't talk like that's about communism.... I am joking it's your game do what's you want it was funny and I am happy and hope you are happy too oh and I don't know who I prefer between Emily or Lena they both so damn CUTE.


I'd prefer they not bring up politics at all in porn games. That's really not what anyone is looking for.


Depending on how far you look into things, a lot of games that don't try to be political are very political. Skyrim has huge themes of racism, social class, crime, freedom/government. Anyway, none of that really matters. You're entitled to your opinion just much as the creator is to theirs.


Do you prefer they don't bring up politics or do you prefer they don't make jokes that oppose your viewpoint? 

I think you already know the answer to that lol.


Thing is, it's actually funny, because she isn't actually spouting communism, she's got some mishmash of a cartoon version of communism, mixed with fascism, anti-statism, and conspiracy theories.  It's actually amazing that she's capable of avoiding the cognitive dissonance of that many contradictory beliefs.


True but to be fair, communism has never and will never work

(2 edits) (+1)

Well it's not like the girl in the game actually understands what communism is, LOL (Collective or public ownership of the means of production and the end of class structure and the state).

The purple haired girl is also cute


Next update when?


A quick question about v.0.3

Does the game end at the flashback or am i doing something wrong?


Update: it's been two weeks since I realized it's been two months. Any idea when the next update will release?

What's the difference between this and the Chapter 2.0


Loved the game man keep it up. I see people complaining about you making fun of some political things, but I say keep it up man. I haven't laughed this much from playing a game in a while. I say go even harder with the jokes, anything can be funny without taking it so serious like can people not understand what a parody game is sheesh.


The Information of the HUD is mixed with other characters.

I think that happend on purpose because the main characters drowning and HUD broken because of water

The other person who answered might be right but my theory is that there is something enigmatic about Laura, like she isn't just a normal person, and we're supposed to be unable to comprehend it at this point in the game


Geez, it's already been two months. Any idea when the next update is coming?


when i play the game all the characters keep saying fufu and im confused

I think that's supposed to be laughing.

It's a certain kind of laughter. It's mischievous and makes it seem like the girl is plotting something 

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game. The new update with the HUD and ability to move around after class is fun!
Noticed an issue though. After the Laura pretends to drown herself but you actually end up almost drowning event, the right side of Laura's HUD is swapped with Emily's, and the left side with Rea's.

Edit: Laura's hilarious XD


Fun game and story. It's just starting to come into its own. The scenes are pretty tame, but that's to be expected with the game in the state it's in. The animations are simple, but get the point across well. Only complaints are that it's not done and that there doesn't seem to be a way to track unlocks/progress. I'm also not sure about the "fu fu fu" that is used a lot here; for a native English speaker that doesn't watch much anime, it doesn't translate well.

It's a certain type of laughter. It's the kind that sounds mischievous and gives you the feeling that the girl is plotting something

Man, I love this game. Can't wait to see the rest of it, good work!

this game blew my mind with only whats in it now i can only imagine whats to come.

Really good games, thanks to the creator of Hero Harem Guild to share them ! I also really like the drawing style. 

Btw, i found a screen mistake, how i can report it ?

There is a channel for that on the discord, there's a link to it on this page

Someone report this bug since.
But thanks for the answer.

(2 edits)

Hi dev,i have some problem with the game 

It happen when the mc open HUD to see girl's information i don't know why but it brutally lagged when the HUD came up(almost freeze really) so i wonder if you can fix this plz, i really like this game... (i'm using mobile version)

Same dude


I liked this game since it first released, it got both humor and amusing graphic.

But there's one thing that's been annoying me, there's no warning or notification when the chapter is at the ending. It just jumps back to the main meny, meaning that you HAVE to play the chapter at least one more time to get a save at the end of it.

this game is very fun to play!  good 18+ adult game! ♥️♥️♥️


So I'll say it because apparently it's a big deal. I thought it was all a joke to be honest because it's so extreme that you have to be extremely far right or left to take it seriously. Like to be fair once you get out of the beginning the game itself doesn't seem to take itself super serious(until the end of this update holy shit that's came outta no where) so that's my stance.

It was an unrealistic scenario so it had unrealistic extremes for humor, so I found it funny. I get that isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's mine. I didn't  think anything of the author's political stance because I've written some fanfiction with things I didn't 100% agree with so I don't attribute everything there with myself. 

But at the end of the day I'm just some dude. 

A dude who just likes the way the humor as  is.


This is pretty much it, the people arguing about a meme porn game are far out there, on either side.


This game is awesome!! I love the style and the writing is really fun, but also sad at times. The backstory about the bakery really got me emotionally involved, and I was kinda shocked it ended in such a serious tone. I definitely can't wait for the next update.
I also love the political humour, I hope it stays besides the fact that many people seem to dislike it.


Eh, I don't really care about the political humor (in fact, hadn't even noticed them - however unbelievable that may seem) but so many people are complaining that it might be best to get rid of it. Anyways, yeah - pretty good game. I both hate and love how the game kind of made fun of its self with the "v0.0000013b" joke.

The android/ mobile update isn’t downloading on my tablet. I still have the previous version on it so I know it shouldn’t be an issue with the device itself. Any advice on what might be wrong? I’d really love to play this game some more.


can you please separate your cringy malding about communism/leftism or whatever from the good porn you're making please. 


The game is hilarious and has a pretty much perfect caricature of your braindead ideology. Go join the 41%, freak

Deleted 3 years ago

You call people "freaks" for having different beliefs from you, yet you literally call yourself "killallleftists". Yeah, we're not the freaks here, you fucking psycho.


Nigga your name is literally killallleftists posting a shitty dead transphobic meme lmfaooo


Agreed, that'd be nice.


Despite the lad's name, he is correct in the regard that you shouldn't play it if you don't like it. The world doesn't have to cater to you, despite you childishly believing that it does. This title is amazingly well made, you need to get over yourself.


I like it, it would just be better without the cringe 

Personally, I don't notice these things too much so I don't really care one way or the other. But that's just my opinion, similar to this just being your opinion.


The character is cringe on purpose. As someone that isn't anti-communism/antisemitic, I find her hilarious. She's like some reddit/4chan AI that's gone bad.


You would not be singing the same tune based on your other post if this was the other way around, be honest with yourself mate. I doubt if some dude made a popular porn game with a character thats some capitalist free market warhawk w/e, and shoehorned in a bunch of shit about how much he hates capitalists that you'd be saying the same shit as op. The communism shit is very heavy handed and very obviously shoehorned in, which is kinda weird for a porn game, come on now.

I hope this game will be Free, I don't have money to pay because $1 convert to Pesos will be like 49-59 Pesos.

It is now :)


This could be a lot better without the political agenda bits, that reference real-life political opinions. It puts a damper on the entire thing.

(1 edit) (+5)(-17)

Then go play literally anything else. It’s funny you humorless NPCs never complain about endless leftist dogma forced in literally every form of media. YWNBAW, help push for 42%


Maybe because the "endless leftist dogma" doesn't literally advocate for slavery, like what you seem to want to fight for. Congrats.


I can't decide; therefore you're both equally annoying.



Why did this polarize so fast? I didn't expect this many replies on a fuckin' PORN GAME about this.


>Account named KillAllLeftists on a platform run by a vocal leftist
>Has only commented these two comments

 Don't argue with the throwaway bait account fellas.


You know what? You're absolutely right, I hadn't noticed the name at all. Whoops! XD


I wonder if it agreed with your own ideology if you would like it. Get over yourself, and play something else.

Deleted post

I know .3 just came out but is it intentionally that after the flash back I get booted to the menu ive tried restarting the game or from the beginning but cant go beyond that point.

I am also wondering about this.


We are same Brother! What just really happened...


Same Brother!


Anyone help ,I need Walkthrough  


What do you need help with?

Nvm , finished the game 😂


I thought that might be the case, you're post was a while ago.


Fuck, your*


The game's story is really good. i'm looking forward to the next update


The Best game story ive seen :))))

Waiting uptade        W_W



The girls are cute, and the story was interesting, though it's obvious it was written by a right-winger, which was pretty much a turn off. It fearmongers about what real-world feminists are fighting for. The communist character was written to just be ridiculed and is a complete misrepresentation of what actual communists and socialists are like. Funny enough, even though she was pretty much the "clown" of the game that everyone likes to laugh at, she was actually the cutest one of the game.

Rea's "better dead than red" line was another confirmation. I mean... she's pretty much enslaving you, treating you like garbage and when you ask for something back, she outright refuses. Oh right, she "rewards" you with a thighjob, but it was more for her than anything. I'll look out for the next update, but if it gets too annoying with the right-wing bullshit, I'll pass.

I have no idea if the writer is a rightwing conservative or not, maybe I'm misinterpreting things, but that's the feel it gives me.


No, it's definitely there. I'm barely into the game at all, and I already feel it. It's honestly really out of place, and just... painful. I wish they'd edit out the overly rightwing comments. I'm not even that ecstatic about things like communism or socialism, I just don't want my porn game bogged down with "stupid leftist agendas".


Exactly. It's funny because they get offended by movies, comics and games being "woke" and supposedly pushing some kind of political agenda, but then make a porn game filled with their own views. Really not the place for it. Games I actually loved and recommend are VIRTUES, Leap of Faith, Champion of Realms, Hero's Harem Guild and Once in a Lifetime, to name a few. Zero political BS and just a great time all around.


You didn't back up the whole "fearmongering about what real-world feminists are fighting for"


I was never asked to? It's pretty clear during the part where the teacher is explaining the history of the world in class, and about the war that led to the killing of all men. The whole game is about the fact that women killed all men because they were too dangerous to be left alive, and that's exactly what conservatives believe feminism is. They believe it's about eventually killing all men, which I know there are some women out there who actually have this insane belief, but to think that's what all feminism is about is just unbelievably braindead.


Agreed, it's stupid to believe that's what feminism is as a whole but I would like to hear how modern feminism is really helping in any sense. I just feel like you have opinions on this matter and would like to hear them. Perhaps rebuttal some points. I realize this wasn't really an argument, to begin with, but with these tangents you've gone on it feels like you want one. Your comment would've sufficed with a simple "keep politics out of this", a statement I'd agree with. Anyway, see you, or not.

Completely agree.


You talk as if your opinion on things is highly validated and appreciated. Saying things like "I'll pass" simply because you don't like the approach the developer is taking is ultimately downright childish, and does well to convey just how you cry about anything that doesn't revolve around your beliefs.

The creator can do whatever he/she sees fit, and shouldn't have to jeopardize their vision simply because you felt uncomfortable with their approach, not lesser themselves due to the feedback from some incessant baby.


I mean 15 people share the same sentiment. if he's marketing a product and people have issues with the contents of it, if you want more of that market you're gonna have to deal with peoples criticism. you call people babies yet you're out here crying about someone who just has some criticism about a game they partially enjoyed.

Well, you don't have to deal with criticism. Also, the creator shouldn't have to cater to whatever requests they receive. If they want to edit, that's their choice. If they don't, that's their choice. Doesn't mean you have to agree, doesn't mean they have to agree. 


So, basically, what is your problem? You're saying that this game make you like a communist charakter, dislike a capitalist charakter and for that reason you deemed content of the game to be "the right-wing bullshit"? Are you sure your reasoning is correct?
And I understand that you can be fond to communists by default, but i'm not, and i still like her. If only communist in real life would be so likeable...

And in regard to anti-feminist fearmongering: it is somewhat present, but in very moderate, realistic way. You can't expect that if half of the population disapear, all will be good and sweet. Problems would be inevitable. Also, you can't create a futuristic distopia (it's not even so distopian, though) without fearmongering. Fear is inherent in the very idea of DIStopia.

So basically all i see in your comment is "how dare you ridicule my murderous, insane ideology! Go ridicule some others!"
I will be seriously disappointed if author actually go with it...


If that's all you see in my comment, then it's obvious you didn't understand a single word I said and thus, it's a waste of time to even respond to you. You have no idea what communism or right-wing ideology even is, yet you decided to comment on it like a fucking dumbass. Then again, what else can I expect from people like you. All you're doing is proving my point.


Exactly! It seems like whatever happens is only "proving your point". An attitude befitting a true communist.
And basically all you're doing is only proving my point: that your reasoning is indeed incorect!


"You don't understand anything, but I'm not going to explain how you're wrong." - "It's a complete waste of time to respond to you, but I'm going to do it anyway just to tell you that." - Great way to get your point across :/


Over two months later, and you people are still crying over my comment XD you are obsessed, fucking get over it. Then again, right wing conservatives are still bitching about how Trump lost, I mean, "got robbed" in the election. You're pathetic.


Uh, no, the comment 4 days ago - and it takes like a minute to check these comments, so I don't get how I'm "obsessed". Regarding the second half of your paragraph, what the fuck are you even going on about? I'm not a Trump supporter, dumbass, never said I was. You really need to stop generalizing everyone you dislike. Didn't exactly explain how I'm "pathetic". If it's because I'm apparently a "right-wing conservative bitching about how trump lost ("got robbed") in the election, then I already explained how that doesn't work. If it's because I'm "obsessed" based on the fact that I'm still here, reading and writing comments (not even on a regular basis), then okay, I'll consider that to be "pathetic" since I have no rebuttal. But...the same logic applies to you. Alright, see ya. 

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